I opened up the newschannel5.com website today and a headline made certain memories come flooding back: Shooting Reminiscent Of Paducah Incident.
As I clicked the link to open the story, one thought accompanied the tears that welled up in my eyes: "I miss this kid."
Kayce Steger was one of the most down-to-earth kids I knew. We rode the bus together when I attended Heath High School during the mid-90s and I thought the world of her - I still think the world of her. I remember her getting so excited when she talked about the Junior Deputy camps she attended and talked about becoming a police officer when she finished school. It's hard to believe it's been so long and I wish I had kept in touch after I left Paducah, but certain situations made that impossible. I'm sorry for that. Kayce, I love you, gal.
Kayce isn't the only one I am thinking of today. My little brother, Johnnie Ray, would have been 19 today. Wow. It's been almost six years since we lost both he and my other brother, Jedidiah, and not a day goes by that I don't think of them. I miss "The Boys". It's funny how I find myself thinking of them in relation to the most random things:
Would The Boys like my choice of a husband?
How would The Boys handle being uncles?
Who would The Boys have taken to Prom?
Where would The Boys have gone to college?
What would their voices sound like now? :)
There's nothing in the world like brothers. If you have them, I hope you know what I mean. If you don't, I hope you step back and take a few minutes to realize what you have. I love my little sister, Hope, dearly and would do anything for her, but there's definately something to be said about the security and humor involved with having brothers. I love you guys.

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