Sunday, August 22, 2010

30 Days of Summer, Part 2 aka 30 Things You Neglected This Summer

On June 12th, I wrote a post that detailed 30 things I vowed to do this summer.  This post is the update of those 30 things. 
30 things you vow to do this summer
  1. Work.  I know!  Posting work is technically cheating, but it’s the first thing that popped into my head!  Done, done, done, done some more, and even took a few days off here and there!

  2. FINALLY trim the cedar tree so a lawnmower can pass under it without the driver of said lawn mower playing tree limb roulette.  This one is on my list for as soon as the temperatures cool down.  Who wants to do yardwork in 90-100 degree temps??

  3. Eat a cucumber that was picked from my plants.  I was able to do this one shortly before the immense heat shriveled the plants up to a hopeless mass of brown.

  4. Don’t be so hard on myself.  This one’s not happening anytime soon.

  5. Lose at least one pound.  Everyone has to start somewhere!  I’ve lost three this summer.  It’s a start!!

  6. Paint the bathroom.  I have the paint. :)

  7. Make the coffee table “pretty”, as opposed to the tacky that it currently displaysI didn’t do this one, because we moved the table.  So technically, the coffee table is prettier than it was!

  8. Play with my nephew more.  I did this one a few times.  Tyler has fun staying overnight with Auntie Heather and Unka James because they let him crumble crackers all over the place. :)

  9. Meet my new nephew in a few weeks.  Baby Landon joined us on August 4th!

  10. Take an overnight trip somewhere – anywhere.  I did this one – TWICE!!  We spent the nights of July 2nd and 3rd in Evansville, IN, got home on July 4th, and immediately headed to Fort Walton Beach, FL.  We spent one night there and I put my toes (and the rest of me – fully clothed – thanks waves!) in the Gulf.

  11. Scrapbook five pages.  Yeah, didn’t happen.

  12. Create five new things.  I created a few new things, but not five.  I do, however, have ideas and plans in my head. 

  13. Weed the flowerbeds :-X  We’ll not talk about this one.

  14. Play in a creek.  Can you believe it’s been too hot to do this??

  15. Visit a town I’ve never been to before.  We’ve visited several.  Some during our Saturday/Sunday road trips, just to see where the road takes us.  See also #10.

  16. Learn a new recipe.  Done – several times.

  17. Taste something spectacular.  Gouda cheese.  Made at a local farm.  The milk is pumped straight from the cows to a cheese room and the cheese is created within hours.  It had such a creamy, rich taste. 

  18. Watch fireworks.  I took Tyler to his first fireworks show and he loved it!

  19. Drink something fruity and frozen.  Fruity, frozen, and didn’t have nearly enough alcohol.

  20. Buy new flip-flops!  It’s time after four years of wearing the same ones.  I did! I did!  I bought myself two new pairs this year.

  21. Write – blog, poetry, cards.  Hehe we’ll not notice that this blog post is the first I’ve written since June 12.  I have, however, posted some rather witty sentences on Facebook.  That counts, right?

  22. Have lunch with an old friend.  I have a few on the to do list, but still haven’t to done. 

  23. Visit a place I’ve not seen in several years.  Saturday/Sunday roadtrips are great for seeing how a place has changed. :)

  24. Meditate – often.  Not as often as I should, but I have found myself meditating more often than normal this summer.

  25. Spend less time on the sofa.  It’s been too hot to go do anything! Yeah, that’s my excuse.

  26. Take a walk or ten, even if it’s just around the yard.  See #25 :)

  27. Drink more water.  I’ve been proud of myself!  I have actually been doing this! 

  28. Discover a new music group.  I’ve found several – thanks, Pandora and Stephanie!

  29. Watch a fantastic movie.  Movies are how I’ve occupied my time this summer.  I’ve seen several great ones.

  30. Watch every episode of So You Think You Can Dance.  Of course!!  How could I dare miss an episode??  Such a fantastic season!

Photos from our trip to Evansville, IN


  1. Final score 19/30. I was pleased with myself, for sure!

  2. I always liked the bridge heading to Evansville. :o)

  3. I love the shape of it! So flowy. The polka dot pic is the bedspread on our bed at the Jamison Inn.
