Saturday, June 12, 2010

30 Days of Summer


I did it again.  I swore I was going to write regularly, and once again, I’ve slacked off.  I blame work! :)  I’ll try to do better.  I know my handful of readers hang on every word I type and I so hate to disappoint them. ;) 

There is a fantastic blog I follow called Mama’s Losin’ It and it’s brought to you by Mama Kat, wife of Pat and mother of three beautiful children.  Her posts are filled with humor, insight, sincerity, and love.  I look forward to reading all of them.

Each Tuesday, she posts five writing prompts and asks that you write on one or more and return on Thursdays to add your link.  I’ve been too busy or have been lacking inspiration over the past few weeks, so it’s been a while since I wrote on one of the prompts.  One of this week’s prompts, however, caught my eye.


4.) 30 things you vow to do this summer

  1. Work.  I know!  Posting work is technically cheating, but it’s the first thing that popped into my head!

  2. FINALLY trim the cedar tree so a lawnmower can pass under it without the driver of said lawn mower playing tree limb roulette.

  3. Eat a cucumber that was picked from my plants.

  4. Don’t be so hard on myself.

  5. Lose at least one pound.  Everyone has to start somewhere!

  6. Paint the bathroom.

  7. Make the coffee table “pretty”, as opposed to the tacky that it currently displays.

  8. Play with my nephew more.

  9. Meet my new nephew in a few weeks.

  10. Take an overnight trip somewhere – anywhere.

  11. Scrapbook five pages.

  12. Create five new things.

  13. Weed the flowerbeds :-X

  14. Play in a creek.

  15. Visit a town I’ve never been to before.

  16. Learn a new recipe.

  17. Taste something spectacular.

  18. Watch fireworks.

  19. Drink something fruity and frozen.

  20. Buy new flip-flops!  It’s time after four years of wearing the same ones.

  21. Write – blog, poetry, cards.

  22. Have lunch with an old friend.

  23. Visit a place I’ve not seen in several years.

  24. Meditate – often.

  25. Spend less time on the sofa.

  26. Take a walk or ten, even if it’s just around the yard.

  27. Drink more water.

  28. Discover a new music group.

  29. Watch a fantastic movie.

  30. Watch every episode of So You Think You Can Dance.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lily dreams

The day lilies are asleep,
Curled into themselves,
Dreaming of sunshine.

How I would love to
Watch them awaken, stretch,
And turn their faces to the sun

HLW 06/10/10